Friday, 26 November 2010

I got swayed

I have been real naughty this past week. I had a whole pack of fox biscuits, the one with the cream in the middle, a whole pack of lemon curd biscuits and uhm they tasted yum but I felt so slumped about it later on. So I don't have much to say this week except for my bad eating habits.

I have lost 1lb this week...A blessing to me considering what I ate. I am looking forward to be in the's high time I left the 80s now     The webs free Calorie Counter

Friday, 19 November 2010

Another week gone by

My week has been clouded by the toothache in my right jaw....the worst pain I have ever felt in my life.I mean the worst. I have been managing 2-3 hours of sleep at night because of it and the pain is much more intense at night. This has meant during the day I have been tired as hell, can barely open my eyes and concentrate in class, but I am going to the dentist today..I don't know if it is to get a root canal...I sure hope it is, cause this pain has to go. Anyway, to try and get my energy levels up, I have been going to the gym everyday. I do 20minutes on the elliptical machine, I try to do both forward and backwards all the times, I do 20minutes on the treadmill but I don't run, I walk instead at a speed of 5 and an incline of 12 minimum. And lastly I always do some weight training, different section of my body everyday...Like one day I would work on my arms, the next day on my legs, my torso etc. 

I have had days this week where I thought what's the point of all this, why am I bothering but I always try to look at the bigger picture at the end of the day, you know imagining myself in summer with the hottest pair of shorts from Topshop instead of trying to hide my body under hot clothes.

Again there has been no weight loss for me rather a bit of an increase! Yes an increase from 181 to 181.4lbs this week. I am not happy at all!

I'm just rumbling now....I think a bit anxious about the dentist. I don't like them!     The webs free Calorie Counter

Friday, 12 November 2010

Over 10lbs lost!

I have had a crazy week with 1 class test and a 1500 word essay to hand in and some crazy rainy weather. This meant I could not go to the gym. I only went once this week and did 1hr cardio and a bit of weight training. I am a bit dissappointed by my lack of gym exercise but at the same time my weight has moved this week, moved much more than I expected it to. I have lost a 5lbs this week! Yeah I know right, I am none to sure how and why but I am just happy, overly happy considering my first week of gym I did not lose any weight. I can't wait ot get back on track with my exersice this coming week as things are starting to calm down for me. My eating habits I feel have changed, I actually don't have food cravings or eat because I am bored...I just eat my three meals. I did read somewhere that if you are trying to lose weight you should be eating 5 meals a day....I am doing what works for me and I hope you are too.

Happy weight loss people!     The webs free Diet Diary

Friday, 5 November 2010

Gym is so much fun

So I have been hitting the gym for a week now and I love it. I have been doing an hour alternating among 3 machines that is the elliptical, treadmill and the bicycle...I have put in a bit of weight training in there and Friday which is today, swimming and some jacuzzi time! It was so relaxing!....Since this is my first week I expected my body to hurt me like crazy but I have been feeling just fine except when I stretch my body then I feel it! This coming week I will be changing up my exercise routine so that I don't get bored.

My diet is still there , but I am not counting the calories as crazy now...I am assuming, consciously I am beginning to know that this food is good for me and this is not...I try to eat three meals a day but when I get hungry in-between meals, my banana, apples, orange...they curb that hunger just fine

As for my weight loss progress this week, the scale has not budged but I am not angry..I understand my body is getting used to this exercise. Hopefully next week it moves!

We can do this!     The webs free Calorie Counter