Friday 19 November 2010

Another week gone by

My week has been clouded by the toothache in my right jaw....the worst pain I have ever felt in my life.I mean the worst. I have been managing 2-3 hours of sleep at night because of it and the pain is much more intense at night. This has meant during the day I have been tired as hell, can barely open my eyes and concentrate in class, but I am going to the dentist today..I don't know if it is to get a root canal...I sure hope it is, cause this pain has to go. Anyway, to try and get my energy levels up, I have been going to the gym everyday. I do 20minutes on the elliptical machine, I try to do both forward and backwards all the times, I do 20minutes on the treadmill but I don't run, I walk instead at a speed of 5 and an incline of 12 minimum. And lastly I always do some weight training, different section of my body everyday...Like one day I would work on my arms, the next day on my legs, my torso etc. 

I have had days this week where I thought what's the point of all this, why am I bothering but I always try to look at the bigger picture at the end of the day, you know imagining myself in summer with the hottest pair of shorts from Topshop instead of trying to hide my body under hot clothes.

Again there has been no weight loss for me rather a bit of an increase! Yes an increase from 181 to 181.4lbs this week. I am not happy at all!

I'm just rumbling now....I think a bit anxious about the dentist. I don't like them!     The webs free Calorie Counter

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