Friday 12 November 2010

Over 10lbs lost!

I have had a crazy week with 1 class test and a 1500 word essay to hand in and some crazy rainy weather. This meant I could not go to the gym. I only went once this week and did 1hr cardio and a bit of weight training. I am a bit dissappointed by my lack of gym exercise but at the same time my weight has moved this week, moved much more than I expected it to. I have lost a 5lbs this week! Yeah I know right, I am none to sure how and why but I am just happy, overly happy considering my first week of gym I did not lose any weight. I can't wait ot get back on track with my exersice this coming week as things are starting to calm down for me. My eating habits I feel have changed, I actually don't have food cravings or eat because I am bored...I just eat my three meals. I did read somewhere that if you are trying to lose weight you should be eating 5 meals a day....I am doing what works for me and I hope you are too.

Happy weight loss people!     The webs free Diet Diary

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