Friday 7 January 2011

Back at it

Well I am back from my holiday and indulge was the word I tell you. But it was x-mas and new year so what the heck. Anyway as with any indulgence of anything there is consequences and my scale happens to let me know that.  Do I feel guilty for this over indulgence? No because it was just for a short period of time , I was happy , had so much fun and now its time to get back to business. All work and no play makes Jake a dull boy. I have gained 2lbs. But I do no how to lose them. I am heading out to the gym as soon as I finish writing this and grocery shopping for some good healthy food. I have missed the gym so much and I'm sure it misses me too lol.

See you next Friday!     The webs free Calorie Counter


  1. i feel the same way! i love indulging over the holidays, but i'm also good about getting back on track after. no need to feel guilty!

  2. Thank you guys for the really encourages me to do my very best...Thank you
